Thursday 12 July 2018

Wednesday 11th July 2018

Walked into Oundle and found Waitrose! It is a lovely town and the school buildings are superb. How can children not learn if they are in surroundings like that. They are of course on holiday now but there was a music course taking place and it reminded us of when Nigel used to go off to these Summer schools for music. Hard work but they had such fun.

At one lock there was a notice warning us that the lock landing at the next lock was needing repair. The notice was dated Sept.2017 and that they were dealing with it as quickly as possible. They are obviously on a slow time frame as it was still cordoned off when we arrived.

We then approached Fotheringhay where Richard III was born and Mary Queen of Scots executed.  The view of them church from the river is billed as magnificent but unfortunately it was covered in scaffolding and covers for renovation. A close up of the tower does show how ornate it is.

We moored along side the mound where the castle once stood as indicated by information boards.

We were probably in the quietest place in England to watch the semi final last night!

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