Thursday, 4 August 2016

Thursday 4th August 2016

A very historical day today as we took two guided tours in Worcester. The first was through the city streets and although timetabled to be 1 and a half hours our guide was still going strong after 2 and a quarter when we left the group ( which had dwindled from 7 to 3 due to car parking constraints etc.) and headed off to look at the nearby canal. We won't be taking this canal but we do like looking at them!

One stop on the tour was St. Swithun's church where all the pews were box pews. They are still in excellent condition.

Unusual street names abounded and were often indicative of the trade carried out there. This one is where animal feed or meal was traded.

No prizes for guessing what this shop sells.

Some of the buildings are very old and one wonders why some don't collapse.

By the canal basin was this sign reminding us of tomorrow's journey.

One of the newest buildings along the river bank is the boat house of King's School. It really is a stunning building.

After lunch we took a tour of the Cathedral. We were the only people on the tour so had a very personalised explanation of historical events and architectural changes as the cathedral has altered over the centuries. No photos as a permit is needed.

One curious feature of Worcester which we noticed is the prevalence of male hair grooming/barbershops and bridal dress shops. Is there a connection?

Tonight we ate on the boat with entertainment provided by Worcester's Beer, Cider and Perry festival which is being held on the racecourse which is very close to our mooring. The song 'Valerie' has so far been heard twice. Once by a female singer and once by a male. They obviously know that I am here!