Friday, 12 August 2016

Friday 12th August 2016

Awoke to glorious sunshine and we had moved across to fill with water and have a cup of coffee to support the Bumble Hole Nature reserve and to look at the photographs on display showing how the anchor for the Titanic was made nearby. The swan family also came for breakfast.

Now we headed into the tunnel. Amazingly it was perfectly straight and you could see the other end as you entered. It took us about 45-50 mins. to pass through.

Just as we were leaving a trip boat was entering full of excited passengers. Luckily the tunnel is wide enough for two boats and has a towpath on each side although you would have needed wellington's today if you were walking through.

Then we turned onto the Birmingham New Main Line and dropped Chris and Alan at Dudley Port Station. 

We climbed three more locks and encountered some repair work on the bank.

We are now moored near the Dudley Black Country museum which we intend to explore tomorrow.

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