Monday, 2 July 2018

Monday 2nd July 2018

Moved along for water and then we were first up the Foxton Locks. This is the view half way up the flight - there is a small crossover pound between the bottom half of the staircase and the top half of the staircase. Graham and Jon were on land to help and Jill was with me. There were quite a few volunteers too so we quickly ascended (about 45 mins in total)

Half way up Jill and Jon switched roles and Graham looks as if he is doing nothing while Jill does all the work!

A common toad was spotted in one of the locks.

We moored for lunch just before Husbands Bosworth Tunnel. Graham and Jon did a bit of DIY on one of the front doors before we went through.

Now at a little place called Welford at the head of the Welford Arm. It was dug to bring water from Welford, Sulby and Naseby reservoirs to feed the main line. A certain amount of trade developed in limestone, bricks and coal transport. This is the highest point of the whole of the former Grand Union Canal system

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