Thursday, 28 July 2016

Wednesday 27th July 2016

Tewkesbury was the destination today and the weather was still kind to us - apart from a very sudden heavy downpour when I had just refused Graham's offer to get me a waterproof!

This is the main Coventry water pipe crossing the Avon.

Every time we drive up to the boat along the M5 we can see the boats moored at Breedon and here we are passing underneath it.

Tewkesbury offers boating trips for visitors and this is one of the more unusual ones on the water.

After an unsuccessful attempt at getting a pump out at Tewkesbury marina (the guy broke the attachment as he was connecting it to the boat), we passed under the King John Bridge and moored on the right. Graham brought his parallel parking skills to bear when he manoeuvred In the Mood into this space with inches to spare! 

Tomorrow we have a laundrette visit and then off to explore the town.

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