Thursday, 20 August 2015

Wednesday 19th August

Definitely a day of two seasons. We woke to bright, warm sunshine and set off towards Hurleston Junction and the end of the Llangollen canal. The clouds started to roll in but it was still a pleasant day. The canal is fed by the River Dee at Horseshoe falls in Llangollen and the flow is strong at the lock tails where bypass weirs discharge. I tried to capture this in a photo but moving water is difficult to snap!

By the time we reached Snugbury's ( ice cream farm) we needed to wear fleeces for the walk over the fields and just after we bought the cones the rain started. No time to smile for the camera we needed to enjoy our ices quickly!

They have a new installation in the fields now. Usually it made from straw but this one is metal and reflects the owners' enjoyment of cowboy films.

Back at the boat we set off for the next set of locks and a water fill. It then started to rain heavily and continued on and off ( mostly on) for the rest of the day. We kept going as we want to get to Middlewich tomorrow morning. By the time we moored at 7.15pm it was like a November night. Cold, miserable and raining. Luckily we are nice and warm in the boat and we'll see what the weather forecast tomorrow brings.

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