Thursday, 28 August 2014

Tuesday 26th August

We must have been more tired than we realised after our day of sailing in the pouring rain as we didn't wake until 7.45am which is most unusual for us. 
Graham did the maintenance whilst I walked down into Polesworth for the shopping. We set off at 11am after it had stopped raining - well done Kate for predicting the time of the rain stopping! The sky was very grey but, after an hour a small blue patch was spotted.

This didn't last long and it was 4pm before the sun finally broke through.
Yesterday we had met some restored work boats as we were coming through the Atherstone flight and today we passed the rally which they had been attending. It was at Alvecote and apparently there were about 60 boats there. They have a procession and then are judged by their ability to wind (turn) and then process back. Some boats had already left but there were still quite a few in the marina. We wondered how they had all fitted in.

Hope that this trolley wasn't left by boaters after they had brought the shopping home.

When a canal needs to be drained for repairs, planks are inserted at pinch points along the canal to dam the water. The planks are often stored nearby and this section of the Coventry canal has quite a few bridges which have spaces in them for storage.

We  have moored for the night at Whittington. Fradley tomorrow and then we are definitely on the homeward run.

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