As you can see the idyllic countryside has changed into the dereliction of some of the buildings at Stoke.
Just after the turn into the Caldon there is a statue of James Brindley - the engineer of the Trent and Mersey canal.
Swiftly followed by a staircase lock. Basically this is two connected locks and you go half way up in one lock, sail into the next and fill that to complete the job. Tricky knowing which paddles to open first etc. this is the view which I had as I entered the first chamber. Scary!
Then it was time to moor up for the tennis. Great result! We decided to travel on a bit further as the temperature had cooled down and it was a lovely evening. The area which we sailed through was in the heart of the old Potteries and some remains have been preserved.
The canal is very narrow and some of the bridges very low. We also went through a lift bridge where Graham had to put barriers down to stop the traffic - such power! Generally we didn't really like the area which we are cruising through but we have found a pleasant mooring for the night and the guide books promise good areas ahead.
We haven't done the Caldon as yet! Must add that to our 'to do' list. We're the drunks out in Stoke?